Because We Love Her

Monday June 16th, 2008

June 16th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

This was an exhausting day. First off Chloe needed to have a CT scan of her head to make sure she was healing from the surgery. This went well and did show healing.

Next up she had to undergo another procedure to place a central line in her arm. This is a surgical procedure so that she could be transported out of PICU back to the floor. Then she needed three different x-rays to make sure the line, after repositioning, was placed in the right spot. After that she needed the central line that was in her neck, removed. Next was the IV in her arm that needed to come out.

She was finally moved into her room on the “school age unit” at about 5 P.M. She was wiped out as was Dana, Sandy and Ron, who all spent the night with her.

One good thing is that she has been hungry and is eating well while she is awake. She is so frail that seeing anything go into her mouth for nourishment is a joy to watch.

Sandy finally talked Dana into taking the night off as Colin had a Dr. appointment in the morning that Dana wanted to take him to. He has had a bad cough and hasn’t even been allowed to see his sister. He also has a birthday coming up on Saturday and needs to be well for the party on Friday night with his cousins… one of whom developed this great website. Thank you Jeremy!!!

Drs. Dorsen and Norwood both visited Chloe today. They signed her autograph book and were very put off that Batman signed before them. So Dr. Dorsen, the Iceman and Dr. Norwood, Swamp Thing, signed up before Dr. Speed Racer showed up to sign.

We are doing all we can to boost Chloe’s spirits. They are very low lately. She was actually to a boiling point when all was going on today. She just can’t believe we would do this to her although she doesn’t vocalize any of this. She is the model patient and trying very hard to heal from this surgery. She isn’t aware of what is ahead of her for follow-up but we’ll take this one step at a time.

Thank you for all the emails and guest book entries. I bring them to the hospital daily. Also thank you for understanding that we just can’t have phone calls and visitors coming into the room just now. REMEMBER, IT’S NOTHING ABOUT US, IT’S ALL ABOUT CHLOE!

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