Because We Love Her

Saturday June 14th, 2008

June 14th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

Another MRI was done to make sure things were healing well and that all passages that needed to be open were in fact open. The area they were concerned about looks very good. The surgery did its job well. They were able to see that the channels that let the spinal fluid circulate through are wide open so neurologically speaking she is in good shape.

Chloe is starting to move around a bit more and her color is really coming back. She is being tube fed to get some nutrition into her little body. Tomorrow we hope to get her on her feet for the first time since the surgery. That will be a milestone.

She did have a very bad night last night however. She is so frail that everything hurts, a lot. She hasn’t had any nutrition so they have had to put an NG tube in her to get something into her stomach. She wasn’t able to keep water down last night.

The condition is less serious for the recovery from the surgery as it is for the nutrition right now so that is a big focus. She is still in the PICU and will be through the weekend for sure. Maybe she will be back on the regular floor Monday but we don’t know.

She has received many well wishes, cards, flowers, stuffed animals and, best of all, Prayers. Keep those coming. The animals and flowers… might want to back off a little for a while. The rooms are pretty small.

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