Because We Love Her

Sunday June 15th, 2008

June 15th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe was looking a lot better up until about midnight. She was unable to keep any of the food down that was tubed into her. This just took the wind out of her sails… what little there was to begin with.

Today she is very discouraged. They had to put a second tube in her which upset her immensely. However, this one will deliver the food directly to her small intestines with hopes that it will be absorbed there.

The goal for today now is to get into a chair at least. We wanted to walk her but that might not happen.

Dr. Dorsen came by to see her and was very pleased with how well she is doing medically. The surgery is healing nicely. It’s always great news when there is some good news. He said test results on the tumor will be Tuesday at the very earliest. He is still optimistic, as we are.

An interesting thing happened yesterday that I forgot to tell you. Her anesthesiologist for her MRI yesterday turned out to the be father of one of her classmates and good friends. I’ll get his name on here eventually. Update: His Name is Peter Scott.

Today was way too busy for Chloe. She was asked to sit up, move around in bed and many other things she wasn’t too happy to do. She is very weak and when she speaks to you it is merely a whisper. Although the surgery went well the recovery has been very hard on her.

A second line was placed into her small intestines to try and get some nutrition into her little body. She is being fed through the NG tube in her nose.

When asked to move around so the nurses can get to her lines she is very helpful although very slow.

She went through a big battle of pain around 8 P.M. and they have since put her on a slow drip of pain meds. She was to have a abdominal x-ray at 10 P.M. and a CT scan of her head in the morning.

Dana, Aunt Sandy and Ron will be spending the night tonight as Chloe had such a rough time of it after midnight last night.

Pray for Benign on this tumor. That will help things a lot even though the part of the tumor that remains is in the worst spot it could be. It is the area of the brain that controls appetite, nausea, and some motor functions. We need that to go away! We will not know our course of action for awhile yet.

Chloe is a long way from being well. Please don’t confuse “good days” with cured. This road is long and it’s still plenty dark at the end. We are all out there with search lights trying to light the way to the day we can say we made it.

Chloe's Gang and friends

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