Because We Love Her

Monday, Oct 27th

October 27th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

It’s Monday.  Friday was the date of the MRI.  Dana’s still hot!  About the MRI too. 

Chloe, Dana, Barb and I were at the hospital in plenty of time and, although Chloe was a bit nervous, she went on with it knowing Dana would be in there with her this time.   

So, Chloe in a gown and Dana in scrubs the MRI nurse placed Chloe in position and said, okay, we’ll do about 30 minutes and then bring you out and use a little butterfly.   

Both Dana and Chloe knew what that meant, even though no one said anything about an invasive procedure for today.  They wanted to inject dye to get a contrast look at the site.  With some hesitation they proceeded.   

Halfway through they tried the needle in Chloe’s arm.  The vein wouldn’t accept it so they went to the other arm.  Same thing happened there.  Then they talked Dana into letting them try the hand.  Chloe had it by then.  She let out a yell and Dana pulled the plug on the day.   

Chloe was completely traumatized by the experience and Dana was livid.  She has let everyone in the offices know how she feels about them not preparing her for an invasive procedure.  If they had then we would have opted for sedation, which is exactly what we will now have to go back for on Nov. 7th.   

If there is a good part to all this it is that they have part of the MRI completed.  Now we just have to calm Chloe down enough to get her back there.  She said she NEVER wants to go back there.  As good as she is a patient she knows when enough is enough. 

However, we will be back there.  We know this is what is needed to assure that the tumor has left the building.  The one stick rule is going to be in place so they better get it right the first time or I wouldn’t want to be in their smock.   

For now then, Chloe is back bouncing around being a typical nine year old.  Other than a cold she is doing very well and looks just better than anytime in the past that I’ve known her. 

Keep the high watch for us.  We know we are blessed by all of you. 


  1. 25 Responses to “Monday, Oct 27th”

  2. By Chester on Oct 28, 2008

    Chloe and Dana,

    Wow, you are pretty brave! Know I’m here for you anytime you want or need me!


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