Because We Love Her

Friday, June 20th:

June 20th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe and Dana both had a good night sleep on Thursday night. The meds were just right for Chloe it seems.

The day was not a good eating day. She wasn’t interested in anything. The feeding tube was doing its thing though so she was getting nourishment. She is also now on Morphine instead of the Fenol that was harder on her.

Pain spiked a few times today. Once when the Dr. walked in, very good timing. After consultations with the surgeon it was determined this is still within the window of allowable pain. Her little head went through a lot to get to that little tumor and the pain will last a little while longer. Ice packs seem to help.

Her energy was very low today. Dana walked her to the gift shop so she could buy something special. By the time she got there she was beat and Dana had to carry her back to the room.

Cousins Jeremy, Regina and brother Colin showed up today when they were in the gift shop. Back at the room they had a very nice visit. Colin is in a mask though as his cough is still unacceptable.

Ron spent the day working on household chores for both houses that have been put off two weeks now. It was a wonderful day to do that. Then one stop for a short visit to the hospital and it was off to the, all too rare, gig.

The prayers for the upcoming days should be to see Chloe pain free, temperature normal and energy way up. She has been pretty frustrated with everything lately. We get these three things under control and she will be allowed to go home, where the better healing will take place.

  1. 59 Responses to “Friday, June 20th:”

  2. By Jackie Fischer on Jun 21, 2008

    Go, Chloe!!! So glad to hear you’re getting better, despite things like nasty ol’ feeding tubes coming up and going down and despite neckaches and headaches. Hang in there, the pain WILL get better, i promise!! And remember that sleep always helps. 🙂 Love you, jackie

  3. By Choline on Jun 21, 2008

    Keep going Chloe! you can do this! Just breath and believe and hold onto the love hun.

  4. By Daniel Johnson on Jun 21, 2008

    This is very good news. Chloe, you have some very stronge supporters right now. They are growing daily also. It will only get better. There are those of us gathering support for you from all over the globe. Keep your faith and most of all keep your light! You are about on the start of a glorious new moment.

  5. By Helen on Jun 21, 2008

    Hey Beautiful Girl,

    I pray for you everyday! I see you vibrantly healthy and up dancing and singing. Hang in there sweetie it is going to get better. I love you and tell your mom how much I love her too. Think good positive thoughts.

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