Because We Love Her

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 25th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe completed her MRI procedure yesterday and it went smoothly.  She woke up much easier this go round.  For her, because the docs order an MRI with contrast it means having an IV.  She requires total anesthesia at this time for comfort, less nerves.  I suspect she will be able to have and IV in the future and it be successful.    Anesthesia is a tricky thing.  She had a rougher ride in recovery 3 months ago.  Yesterday we had the right team in place who searched her chart for answers on this.

By the way, her chart is impressive in size.  The nurses always mention it to me and I was finally able to see what they mean.  Picture a sandwich you coudln’t even imagine sinking your teeth into.

Three months ago, the doc had Chloe breathe the Gas all the way through the procedure then at the end , gave her ‘liquid” sedative.  The Gas was harsh on her throat…she tasted it, had difficulty swallowing. Basically she was drugged out for quite awhile and we stayed in recovery over 45 minutes. 

You know how its said, “Timing is everything?”.  Yesterdays anesthesiologist decided to LISTEN to me, so she searched back 6 months ago when the MRI went smooth as honey and heres what she discovered.  Give Chloe the “Gas” for a short period of time, then early in the procedure(as opposed to late) inject the propynol, giving it a chance to wear off gradually.  This leaves the patient less groggy.  Recovery was about 25 minutes or less.

She was asking for a double Cheeseburger from McDonalds, with fries an hour later.  Since she hadn’t been allowed to eat because of anesthesia , we headed there.  

and I was alright with that.

ya know, sometimes it really is ok to supersize.


  1. 24 Responses to “Saturday, October 24, 2009”

  2. By Lyne on Oct 25, 2009

    Sooooo happy it went well !!!!
    Chloe is a real pro !!!

    Hugs and Kisses, Lyne xoxoxo

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