Because We Love Her

Wednesday, 12/9/09

December 9th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe is frustrated but calm. She is off the ventilator and is breathing on her own with only a humidifier hose up against her trach. We have had some good moments with some of her silent laughs when either Mama or I said something stupid. She also liked the story of Sandy and me waiting for three hours until Barry and Heather left… only to find out they had left 2:45 minutes earlier… Duh.

The Candle Lighters held a lunch for all of us. Pizza and pasta with a side of cookies… hit the spot. Dana and Sandy hadn’t eaten all morning.

Interesting about the surgery schedule today. Chloe Rose and Sadie Rose had their surgeries back to back. She’s 7 but we expect the two Roses will bond before long.

At one point tonight we had to change Chloe’s bed as it had some intermittent electrical problems. So Dana and I held Chloe up and the nurses slide one bed out and one bed in. It was a little awkward but everyone managed.

One problem today was her lizard has taken leave of this place. Little blue beanie Liz may be tumbling in a dryer as we speak. Many eyes are on the lookout.

Chloe has been in and out of sadness today. When the swelling goes down enough we are hopeful she will begin swallowing so we don’t have to suction her every few minutes. You can imagine that as a frustration for her.

Another little setback is that her vision is double now. Possibly a result of the trama of getting her tube out. She did watch a DVD tonight though.

That’s about it for tonight. We are so happy the Ventilator is gone… not so happy they had to put a trach in… very happy she doesn’t have a tumor anymore… and hopeful for the future.

This has been a long day but it’s had its bright spots. Chloe is alive, getting better, calmer, and a fighter. We are in for a long rehab with her coordination and strength and all the things associated with her vocal cords. We hate to see her have to go through this but we are so happy we were given this second chance.


  1. 57 Responses to “Wednesday, 12/9/09”

  2. By Kat on Dec 9, 2009

    Don’t blame Chloe for being irritable sometimes. She’s gone thru so much and so hard when you’re tired and just want to be left alone. Love the news of vent. tube out, and hope all starts coming together, even if a slow run. We all know how hard Chloe fights to get better, and we also know fighting so hard is tough too. Hang in there my dear young friend, you’re doing great !!!
    Hugs and loves to you

  3. By Supermanj on Dec 10, 2009

    Is blue beanie at the hospital with you? That paints a picture!
    Chloe is so full of love for all, and has great wisdom and strength. I believe she will apply herself fully and recover quickly.
    Your all tired and ready to get off this roller coaster–but the scary part of the ride is over, the rest of the ride is her recovery and each day will bring many joys as she regains herself free from Fred.

  4. By Sarah on Dec 10, 2009

    Thank you for all the good news! Go, Chloe!!I know there’s a lot of hard work ahead, but, considering everyone involved, there will be more laughter, too. Here’s hoping that each of you gets some alone-time, when most needed; that you each have the opportunity to relax, to restore your energy, to repair any sense of imbalance.


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