Because We Love Her

Saturday, Dec 12th, 2009

December 12th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

I think Dr. Dorsen must be reading the blog because today he came through with some good news. (Oh, okay… he’s had some before too…) When he heard that Chloe had mouthed the words back to Dana he was VERY ENCOURAGED, as this has to do with the sub cranial nerve #7, which is the facial nerve and has four components with distinct functions. It’s an easy Google search if you’d like to take a look. This link has a pretty easy to understand function of this nerve and is, again, very encouraging to me as well.

Chloe has been in good spirits today and has been smiling quite a bit with her nurse Linda. Linda even found the right combination to get Chloe to wear the support boots she needs while staying in bed so long. They were driving Chloe nuts the first time we had them on her. They now fit right.

Dr. Larry Sherman, a personal family friend and Captain on the Chloe Team, has been all over this case from afar. He is a “brain guy” and was emailing Dana throughout the night with information and offers of answers if she or the rest of us need them. This is most helpful. It’s always good to have an outside set of qualified eyes and thoughts following us.

Speaking of which, Dr. Peter Scott shows up ALL THE TIME for Chloe. Even when we were at the radiology department waiting to get tube place, there was Dr. Scott, watching over us. Thanks so much Peter! It means so much.

Chloe’s classroom cards have come in and she will get to see and hear them through the weekend. This is huge. Having her spirits high is going to speed her healing. We have very high obstacles in our way and anything we can get to help clear them we are going to accept. This is ALL ABOUT CHLOE and we are very clear about that.

Heather wrote a very sweet email to us as she walked on the beach Chloe so loves. She called it Chloe’s Beach, and so it is from now on. Dana recalled the visit we had there on the last weekend of November. She sees Chloe flying her dragon kite and running after Ivey, who had to go say hi to everyone she saw. She also, as I do, sees Chloe doing all that and more, over and over again, until she’s too old to run.

We not only can, but we Will Do This, and you all are a part of the process.


  1. 30 Responses to “Saturday, Dec 12th, 2009”

  2. By Jack Niedermeyer on Dec 12, 2009

    Dear Chloe
    I hope you get out of the hospital soon.
    I hope you’re getting better every day also.
    Everyone at school misses you especially
    your friends and Mr.Black.


  3. By Laura Speirs on Dec 12, 2009

    Chloe is in the forefront of my mind all day, every day. I pray for her continually, knowing this is all I can do to help at this point. Ron and Dana, you are also on my mind as you go through this fearful time. I pray also for strength and energy to sustain you.

    Thank you for the blogs to keep us updated on our sweet girl.


  4. By Wendy Isaac on Dec 12, 2009

    Dear Ron,

    You are an absolute Angel to write these accounts so that we can follow Choe’s experience. Not only are you an Angel for doing so, but an incredible Artist in painting a picture we can see and understand.

    Each and every stroke in the words you use are perfectly expressed as God wants us to receive them.

    You are brave as brave can be. I cannot imagine the task of writing to others to explain this journey. Wouldn’t it be lovely if speaking Truth and Love were all you had to do. But everyone also wants to know how Chloe is doing with the physical journey, combining the two is a huge task, the illusions mixed with the Truth, Wow.

    May we all contribute our abilities in seeing the Truth of God in all you say, and appreciate the enormous task of weaving it all together. I would have a very challenging time in doing this.

    Blessings to the Artist, the Angel, and the Courageous man who lets everyone see into the window of this experience.


  5. By Suzie Noel Duncan-Winn on Dec 12, 2009

    Dear Chloe, my angel friend,

    My family and I have held you very close to our hearts. I light a candle each night for you. My angels last night whispered to me that you are a crystal child as I am and that all is in divine healing and timing but I need to get you some “miracle water” really soon to help you in your healing process. My daddy michael says he will find a way really soon to get it to you.
    You are my friend and we are all connected, as my mommy bonnie always says,
    I love you Chloe,

  6. By Supermanj on Dec 12, 2009

    Wish I could have been there for this day–not only yours, but ours, our turning point, that Is what I am calling it…..and tomorrow will be a brighter day. Glad Chloe’s spirits are lifted. Don’t let our little lady be under estimated, she may not be speaking yet, but her hearing is fine–She needed your words of encouragement Dr. D, you have spoken them and now she needs ours–lets rally and bring all this to rest.

    Chloe we are all here for you. Come on everyone let us rally for all the good that is to come.

  7. By Lyne Collin (Montreal, QC, Canada) on Dec 13, 2009

    I feel very honored to be considered a part of this process Ron. Chloe and all of you mean alot to me. I’m Chloe’s biggest cheerleader !

    Can’t wait to come to Oregon again, with a little help, maybe next summer, so Chloe and I can sing Michael Jackson songs together and I can show her the album I got when I saw him in concert for the “Victory Tour”.

    Sending hugs to all of you, Chloe, Dana, Colin, Sandy and you Ron. All of you along with the great doctors are the key players on “Team Chloe”.

    So let’s Cheer Loud and Proud :
    Yes We Can ! YESSSSSS CHLOE CAN !!!

    P.S. If there’s any songs…Michael Jackson or any others that could cheer Chloe up…it would make me happy to make her CDs and send them to her…I have an extensive collection and what I don’t have I can find easily…just give me a list…I really would like to do this for her…
    Music heals the mind and soul as well as the body…I truly believe that !!!!

    Love, Lyne xoxoxo

  8. By linda on Dec 13, 2009

    we are all pulling for you and holding bright light around your recovery. Dana and Ron please let us know if you need anything,

  9. By Tim on Dec 13, 2009

    Just letting you know Chloe, we are still right here beside you (Teresa,Agnes,Me) : )

    We all Love you very much!!

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