Because We Love Her

Tuesday, Dec 15th, 2009

December 15th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

It’s almost 1 pm and I haven’t received an update from Dana since about 1 am, so my hope is that she’s sleeping. My cold is almost gone so I think I’ll be there for tomorrow, another big day. The first trach change is scheduled. If that goes well we can get in the unit where there is more room, relaxation and comfort… all-be-it slight.

Grandma Lee arrived yesterday and that boosted Chloe’s spirits a lot. The first visit was short and sweet but Lee will be taking the late shift tonight and that will be good for everyone. Rev. Barb is on call forever as well. That helps with the mental anxiety of who’s going to be there when Dana crashes.

Dana was very comfortable with the nurse and Rt last night so she said she would even be able to retreat to the quiet room if the recliner wasn’t working for her. It really isn’t a good fit but she makes it work out of necessity. Chloe has the soft call button and can use it well so that is also a relief.

The nausea has passed but they have also stopped the feeds for the night. There is a plan to take another picture to make sure the tube has stayed in place. I’m wondering if the feeds are just not agreeing with her… like a minor allergy. Maybe they have another type we could try. We’ll see about that.

Chloe lost a tooth yesterday, with the help of Mama. It was just too loose to be comfortable with it staying in her mouth. The last thing we need is for her to aspirate a tooth! So, after about 30 minutes the two of them were able to twist it out. Hope the tooth fairy has a wrist bracelet or she won’t be allowed into PICU.

Blessings to our Child Life Rep, Diane. She relieved Dana so she could get a shower and some food. Diane always knows what we need before we do. She’s always a pleasure. And Patty Brandt is another one who shows up at the right times. She brought Dana something to eat, not knowing she was sequestered in the room without an alternate.

Chloe didn’t get her road trip yesterday. The nausea was too much of a problem so they kept turning the feeds on and off and kept a fan on her to help keep the feeds down. We don’t want vomiting at this stage of the game! Her lungs sounded a bit better today so that’s another reason for caution with the feeds.

As soon as Dana is able to send me an update I’ll get it on the blog. For now I’m going to believe everything is calm and everyone is getting the rest they need. I know PT and OT will be up to see Chloe today. She was pretty beat yesterday but she has the determination. She will try and use her fingers in fine motor detail. Although it’s very frustrating for her, she goes back and tries to touch two fingers together or grab something or point and touch something. She’s in a do over stage of her young life.

Be well,

  1. 59 Responses to “Tuesday, Dec 15th, 2009”

  2. By Supermanj on Dec 15, 2009

    I know Grandma Lee was already on Team Chloe, but what perfect timing for her arrival, and thank you Rev. Barb and everyone else for being there on this winning Team.

    I’m probably mixing the two posts from today, But I admire Chloe’s determination in everything she does. Kudos for adding that second “e” to make that machine be able to say your name right.

    Ron, you said yesterday you don’t need thanks for the posts you give us, But everyone involved deserves a few words of thanks, from Dr. Dorsen to the even the grouchest of house cleaners.

    Thank You All, and thanks to each of you that are following this Journey and supporting Chloe with all the love and thoughts you send her way.

  3. By Cherie on Dec 17, 2009

    It has been a pleasure taking care of Chloe the past few nights. She is such a joy, and I am so proud of seeing the progress that the is making even the three nights I have been with her…she has done a great job starting to become more independent again. My prayers are with Chloe and the family for a smooth and speedy recovery! Blessings!

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