Because We Love Her

Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

Although I’m not due at the hospital until 8 pm I have some information from Dana that should be enough for an update.

Chloe had an uneasy night. Just couldn’t find a comfortable position so Dana was up and down all night. She now gets to sleep on the windowsill bench in the same room with Chloe. It’s good in so far as she is there with her, but bad, in so far as she is in there with her and doesn’t get much sleep. All in all though it’s a much better situation for both of them. Chloe has a window and not so many scary monitors hanging around. She is on a four-hour shift for vitals, etc., which gives her more time for doing fun things, like hanging out with Mama and doing PT/OT or exercises to try and develop some coordinated muscles.

That’s going very well I’d say. Every day I see improvement over what she couldn’t do the day before. It’s a long road but she’s definitely on it. She is also mouthing more words thus keeping her mouth ready for when the vocal cords decide they want to wake up like the rest of her is slowly doing. The stroke was certainly a dent in our armor this time around but we have the tools to get that dent out.

Chloe was shopping today. Yup. The Make-a-Wish group showed up and took her out of the room in a, almost normal, wheelchair to do some private shopping at the activities room. There she was able to pick out something for immediate family members and they even wrapped it for her. She was feeling very puny before the excursion but she was determined to go even though she was over visited earlier.

Back in the room she paid a price for her over exuberance when her stats fell to 60 something and the team showed up quickly to get her breathing and O2 levels back up to where they needed to be. It’s all in the game plan though. We know there will be these scary times but without her doing the hard work there would be a lot more scary times.

Dana said a wonderful gift came from the Bridlemile Ladies. It’s a handmade quilt and there are all sorts of notes attached to it somehow. Dana has been reading them to Chloe and they are both amazed by how well everything was done. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

I’m off to get Colin now and we will head up to the hospital about 8 pm. Colin will be able to spend some time with his sister. He sure hasn’t had much time with her due to a cold he is getting over and the rules about PICU when she was there. It’s still mask time but I think we are out of the danger time.

Sunday, at Celebration Church, 10:30 am, I’ll be playing my semi-yearly Christmas solo. However, this year I’m changing it to add Chloe’s favorite song by her favorite performer. When I told her this I got a HUGE smile flashed at me. I told her I’m also renaming it “A Medley for Chloe.” If you want to know what song is added to the Braham’s Lullaby, Oh Holy Night and Amazing Grace, you’ll just have to show up I guess. If you’d like to bring a note or a card I’d be happy to deliver it to Chloe.

Please be patient with us on visitations. We are doing everything we can to keep Chloe safe and on the road to recovery. Her journey is a slow one so having you be patient with getting to visit with her is greatly appreciated.

Be Well,

  1. 2 Responses to “Friday, December 18, 2009”

  2. By Tim on Dec 18, 2009

    Hi Chloe!!

    It’s ol’e me again..I have been watching in many times a day….and thought it was time to remind you I am still here…cheering you on!!!

    I went in the closet today to dig out some old things I thought I could use..and Wow!! I found a TU TU!! and some killer PINK ankle socks!! Too!!! Not only that I found those Cool POM POMS to go with it!!! Not to mention as well, my army boots to that really goes well with the ensamble!!!

    So, I am going all out now, CHEERING YOU ON!!! GO GIRL!!! I cant jump anymore so get some air underneath me army boots, I simply jump off the kitchen chair doing a simple scissor cut with me legs, and at the same time giving me arms the ol’e “V” shape with the POM POMS in each hand all at the SAME TIME!!!!

    Can you picture that!!! and it’s all for you Baby!!! I must admit a little embarassing as it may be, I had to call 911 to get me up off the floor as I landed rather awkerdly causing my legs to go over my head!!! right smack on the cold linoleum floor!!

    I’m not as limber as I was, but I was sure happy to see those fireman unwrap my legs that were stuck around my neck…IN any case, next time I cheer you on dear I am going to have to do it sittin down..

    They told me they were not coming back if I try this escapade one more time..Bunch of party poopers those fireman are…

    In any case Go Chloe Go!!!!! Yahooooey!!! 🙂

    Your Buddy,

    TIM” )

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