Because We Love Her

Saturday, Dec 19, 09 Early

December 19th, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

Although none of us want to be back in the PICU it was the best decision last night. We were on a steady decline and this was the way to stay ahead of it all. Chloe had a good night sleep on the ventilator. It’s the small assist ventilator so that’s something encouraging. Her main, recent, complaint is where the feeding tube is taped to her face. It keeps pulling. So I’ll ask if they can re-tape it today.

Dana was in the quiet room last night and should have been the only one there. Hopefully she was able to sleep as well. When she went in I know she was pretty tense. She had too many people around yesterday and then with Chloe going into her downward spiral it all came to a head.

We had another culture taken yesterday to see if there is anything else growing in her lungs. We haven’t heard the results yet. With that many people around her, some admitting they were suspecting something but not masking up as requested, we just don’t know. Masking up is SOOOO important be it for 10 seconds or 2 hours. Germs move immediately. I’d like to see everyone masked until we are sure. Personally, I’d rather see her stay in here just for that reason but I know it’s better for her to be in a room with a view. It gives her so much more hope for getting home someday. And we are all about hope and positive energy around here!

So we’re going to try this process of getting her breathing on her own again and moving much less into the School Age Unit room ASAP… but not quicker than she is ready for. We can bring the small ventilator to the floor but we’d rather just not need it at all. What we need to do is get her up and about so that her lungs have to work harder to clear the fluid out. Most people can cough or deep breathe to do that job. Chloe will be able to deep breathe but she needs to be doing something that will make her do that. He cough coming back will be a great thing as well.

Another update will be forthcoming tonight when I return.


  1. 30 Responses to “Saturday, Dec 19, 09 Early”

  2. By Lisa on Dec 19, 2009

    Be strong, Chloe! I know switching back and losing your window had to be a disappointment, AND I know you won’t be there long. You are a fighter and an inspiration to all of us!

  3. By Kevin and Laura on Dec 19, 2009

    Kevin asked me to update him on Chloe and I realized I hadn’t read the blog for a few days – we’d been so encouraged by the news of the move out of PICU. So sorry to learn about the move back to PICU but grateful that the staff is on top of it and not taking chances. She is no doubt safer from well-meaning visitors unwittingly carrying a virus.

    The hospital should just make it a rule that all visitors wear masks. I was surprised to learn on the CDC’s website that “the typical incubation period for influenza is 1—4 days. Adults shed influenza virus from the day before symptoms begin through 5—10 days after illness onset. Young children also might shed virus several days before illness onset, and children can be infectious for 10 or more days after onset of symptoms.” (CDC 2009).

    The other thing I learned from the CDC website is that a bad cough is a typical symptom of this H1N1 virus but a fever is not necessarily one of the symptoms. I bet a lot of people unwittingly have or had this flu.

    Lots of love, Laura

  4. By ronhorton on Dec 19, 2009

    Absolutely right Laura. We’ve been up on the H1N1 stuff for awhile now. It’s a big ugly scary one. Lots of the staff wear masks just because. I think it’s a great idea.
    You and Kevin are a Huge support and we are so grateful for you both. Love and Blessings to you both!!

  5. By Supermanj on Dec 19, 2009

    I say there is no need for the mask to be optional, Lets make it mandatory. Laura and the CDC is right none of us know what will happen, and we are better safe than sorry. A few minutes of discomfort wearing a mask will ensure the safety of Chloe and other loved ones.

    Personally when I arrive next week I would love to see Chloe and the exspression (SP that just don’t look right) on her face, but if it isn’t the time it isn’t the time, and I know she will know my love and thoughts are with her, and I will understand it is in her best interest, and in the long run mine….getting to see her dance in the yard.

  6. By Kevin and Laura on Dec 19, 2009

    I asked Kevin what he wanted for Christmas. He said “all I want is to see Chloe kick a soccer ball while she’s singing”.

  7. By Cindy on Dec 19, 2009

    I am a friend of a friend of a friend. I am a friend of Dawn’s, who is a friend of Jackie’s, who is a friend to Dana. I have been following your blog for quite some time. I thought of two things which might help you. (our daughter was in Emanuel PICU on a ventilator three years ago)
    When our daughter got to the regular room, we brought in a foam mattress and covered it with a twin fitted sheet and put it on the small windowsill. It made for easier sleeping for the daddy and me.

    The Mormon church will serve Christmas dinner on the third floor of the Children’s hospital. We were there over Easter, and their meal was the best tasting meal I have ever had. That meal meant so much to us that we spent last Christmas day volunteering at Emanuel serving food up to the hungry parents and children in the PICU and student age wing of the hospital. On Christmas day, follow your nose around 1-2 pm and you will find the small room they serve the food from. You can go back as many times as you want. It is delicious.

    Chloe has been and will remain in my prayers. Cindy

  8. By Rev. Barbara on Dec 20, 2009

    My wish is for everyone involved in the care for Chloe, and in her life, open up to the love and support and magnificient energy that is continuously surging your way. There is such healing with the amount of prayers that are focused on YOU!!! With much love, Barb

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