Because We Love Her

Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009

December 23rd, 2009 Posted in Daily News Post

Hello Blog. We had a big day. First thing out of the box was when Dr. Quint came in and told me we really want to get Chloe to the floor today. Then Dr. Mark came in and said the same thing. He told me Dr. Cocral (sp?) will be in charge. She is from Rehab and, when we actually start rehab, she will be our doctor there. Dana woke up in time for rounds and it was confirmed we would get sprung today!

I’m sure the fact that Chloe had a wonderful night was a key to their decision this morning. It’s something we all were sitting on pins and needles to hear. The good news, unfortunately, didn’t keep me from hitting the wall with a completely out of line RT chief this morning. Sometimes it’s just good to make the point that has to be made and let go.

I went for my catnap and in an hour Dana was getting me up for the move to the School Age Unit. The nurses on that side were really excited because they all know Chloe from last year. It was fun to see them come to PICU and ask when they would have her back.

The room is completely backwards from all the other rooms we’ve been in over there so it’s strange setting it up and getting so we aren’t running into walls. The actual move to the room went smoothly. Once there, the plan was reemphasized that we would keep Chloe off the vent for five to six hours at a time and then give her a break on the vent. That way we can do more PT and OT with her and she will have the strength to do all the things we ask of her.

Sandy walked in as we were setting things up. What a great relief to see her back in town. Chloe lit up. Tonight Dana is going to sleep in the room with Chloe and Sandy has Colin home at the house. That will be great to get Colin some Sandy time.

We were a little frustrated with not having PT or OT over in PICU for the last three days. It was an order mix-up. When you move between units new orders have to be written. One hand thought the other had done this and it wasn’t even caught at rounds when we mentioned it. If that’s the worst thing to happen I guess we will get over it. Both PT and OT showed this afternoon and we put good use to both of them. Chloe sure has the determined look when working with the coordination exercises. She’s comical when she is asked to do something with her limbs and they don’t cooperate. Her right leg was having difficulty staying in the knee bent up position so she pointed at it and mouthed “stay!” It did.

When PT got there and, after we did her exercises, Jeanine and I were able to get her sitting on the side of the bed and holding her own head up after only a little support. She was scared because last time we did this her breathing went to pot. This time she made it just fine. In fact, both PT and OT commented on how much stronger she was since the last time they saw her. It’s true; she is making good strides in that department.

Dana and I are going to be able to go shopping tomorrow morning thanks to the watchful eyes of Rev. Barb and sister Sandy. Dana has so wanted to get out for a little real people time and tomorrow is our only opportunity before Christmas. She did get a couple hours at home this afternoon to re-acquaint herself with her house and Ivey.

Be well,

  1. 163 Responses to “Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009”

  2. By Sarah on Dec 23, 2009

    This is terrific! Again, kudos, Chloe and Team Chloe!!!

    And good for you, Ron, for telling that RT chief off.

    Best to you all, and Dana, may you fully enjoy your outdoor / shopping time!

  3. By Kat on Dec 23, 2009

    Love hearing the good news of things going smoother and how she is determined to really be all she can be. What an amazing person Chloe is. Go Chloe Go !!

  4. By Jackie on Dec 23, 2009

    Hi Chloe from San Diego!! Congrats on moving to the new room! It sounds like the entire hospital has become your friend. And no wonder, cuz you are da best!! Love Jackie

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