Because We Love Her

Wednesday, 1/6/10

January 6th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

The day started too early again as far as everyone was concerned. About 5:30 am the fun on the machines started so Sandy was on her feet while Dana pretended to be getting some rest. Later, Dana and I were out trying applying to SSI for some extended insurance benefits when PT/OT showed up for Chloe. Sandy was the only one here to go to the gym. She didn’t recognize the ladies today but it turned out they really didn’t have a lot of information about Chloe’s capabilities. On the way down the wheelchair had some issues and Chloe wasn’t in it well. The headrest was coming undone so things were a challenge. Down in the gym Sandy had to be one of the helpers as there was only one person to work with her and that wasn’t going well. Chloe spent a lot of time lying down recovering so the morning was pretty much a waste. The wheelchair was sent out for repairs.

When Dana and I returned, poor Sandy was fried. I don’t care how well you think you sleep in the room it’s a joke. So when someone spends two nights in a row and then is called on to handle a good chunk of the day shift as well… it’s not a pretty sight. In fact, I never saw Sandy leave, as I was preoccupied with something going on.

Chloe had some art therapy with Katy and finished her “Inside outside mask.” It’s covered with words and sayings the represent how she wants people to see her and how she feels about herself. It’s quite interesting and she was very proud she finished it.

It was Bingo afternoon and, again, Chloe was a three-time winner. We’re running out of prizes that she is interested in. We may just have to put in some special requests.

I left for a couple hours to teach a lesson and I’m glad I did. My furnace has decided to take a break so being there to see that was a good thing. I had a chance to warm the house up a bit with a manual start. Now I’ll just hope it doesn’t freeze solid tonight as I’m on night shift with Dana.

We are all tucked in now. There have been early morning problems the last few days so we are hoping the new RT tonight has some of the problems addressed early. Chloe’s day starts at 9:30 tomorrow morning. That’s a break from the 8 am start. Hopefully there will be no early morning surprises and everyone can sleep in for a change.

Be well,

  1. 3 Responses to “Wednesday, 1/6/10”

  2. By ronhorton on Jan 7, 2010

    Okay, so I’ll comment on my own blog. Not sure that’s ethical but whatever… as Chloe would say.
    It’s hard for me to take the kudos as I’m only a writer doing what I do. Thanks for the thoughts and kind words though. My shared belief is that the more information I can get out about the actual conditions Chloe and the family is facing the better it will be for them. With over 19000 hits on this blog it’s obvious this is the right direction to be taking. We have a staff of doctors and nurses following the blog and things are getting done better because of this one fact alone.
    As for a book… Let’s get through all this and have Chloe back home whole and complete first. Then we may look into a screenplay as that’s what I write. A book just takes too long for me, but I’ll consider it. The one good thing will be that whatever I write will have a HAPPY ENDING.

  3. By Jackie on Jan 7, 2010

    So glad to hear Chloe is doing so well on the laptop and with all the therapy!! (who knew there were so many kinds of therapy?) sounds like her days are very full…. i think they’re way fuller than mine. i love that she does everything they tell her, PLUS MORE. woo hoo, Chloe!!! love and mistletoe to you!! (yes, you can have mistletoe in January!!) 🙂 love jackie

  4. By Chester on Jan 7, 2010


    Hope the beach ball came today so you can bounch that baby back to Dana & Sandy. Ron would have a hard time getting that ball away from me! Whoof…if I whoof for myself…got my ride to order me a t-shirt today that you designed! Wow! What until you see me in my new digs! I’ll need to get some new sunglasses to go with the sun! Hope yours fits too…I ordered us both the same size…seeing that I’m 83 pounds! Mine may be a bit snug! See you soon!

    Chester…sloppy lick!

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