Because We Love Her

Thursday, Jan 7, 2010

January 7th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Today I should be jumping up and down after the test for the vocal cords. However, for some reason or other, I don’t even have a desire to write this tonight. Chloe had her test done at 12:30 today and, after some trial, we were told the right side is working well. What that means is still a bit up in the air. Tomorrow morning there will be a swallow test done to see if she is able to start eating. They will give her a little pudding and fluid while monitoring her on an x-ray. We will also have an RT there in case she aspirates anything. Some is expected but none would be best.

So why am I not enthused about the blog tonight. I’m not exactly sure but the fluid is not their to drive the bus. With so much that goes on there on a daily basis it could very well be that I’m just fried. Or it could be just because everyone is at everyone else about everything. We just need some tremendous news and we need it soon.

Overall it was a good day today.

Be well,

  1. 31 Responses to “Thursday, Jan 7, 2010”

  2. By Karen Preston on Jan 7, 2010

    Hip hip hooray! So glad to hear that the right side of your vocal cords are working well Chloe and that you’ll be able to swallow soon. Nice… (Tho’ lollipops are good too.)

    Ron, You are doing an awesome, marvelous, fantastic, very good job of keeping us informed of everything that is happening,and I bet we all appreciate it.

    That being said, we all also understand needing a little break now and then. Take what you need, recharge your batteries however that works for you and know that we’ll still appreciate all your doing to keep us informed and support Chloe, Dana and Colin.

    Lots of love to you all!

  3. By Supermanj on Jan 8, 2010

    Glad to hear of the progress on the vocal Chords. Soon the other side will follow suit, I’ll be Chloe will talk non stop after more than a month silenced.

    Being in the sixth week at the hospital I am sure you are all exhausted and on edge, try not to take anything personally–and give one another grace, often things are said in frustration that aren’t what was meant or intended.

  4. By Sarah Koch on Jan 8, 2010

    Ron, you — and everyone involved here — must be simply exhausted. How much can a person take, after all? It is so rare that you don’t give a full and vivid report. That’s a highly draining task. I know, too, that others step in, now and then, but you do the vast majority of updates.

    Is there some way you can take a break? Either by asking others to fill in for a bit, or by forcing yourself (if possible) to give briefer updates — give us thumbnail sketches v. the complete picture? You, and the other bloggers here, have already provided the readers with plenty of background and color; we could fill in a briefer blog on our own. Just a thought.

    I want to thank you, too, for ALL you’ve done, keeping us informed.

    Sarah Koch

  5. By Cherie on Jan 8, 2010

    I totaly agree with the other three messages written today. Do we have a site to organize when and what food is preferred to bring to the hospital, and what is needed on the home front, cleaning house, washing clothes, being a personal taxi for Colin. Perhaps more people would be inspired to pay it forward if they had this information they could work it into their lives. I know Ron does so much already so I’m really speaking to all of you out there. My computer skill are not even on the chart but if someone has these skills and could set up a site or add one to this one it may help take off some of the pressure. Anyone know an idea that may work better please offer it.

  6. By Wendy Isaac on Jan 8, 2010

    Sweet Chloe…. those vocal cords are warming up! One side remembers and now the other is remembering too. I believe it may be like riding a bike, it is hard to forget how to do so. I see love healing that pretty voice box of yours, I see light setting the stage for their next big song, and we all await with great delight to accompany you in the song of your choice. There are great gifts for you Chloe and I am so inspired to see you claim them as yours. With Love, Wendy

  7. By Sarah Koch on Jan 8, 2010

    Cherie’s questions are right on. There must be ways those who can can ehlp out, whether it’s with the blogging or in other ways. Please let us know.

    Sarah K.

  8. By dana watts on Jan 8, 2010

    We are saying yes to all roads leading to Chloes best healing.

    Food delivered to hospital? you betcha..this is unorganized but working allows us on ‘shift’ to not leave chloe’s floor. We have access to freezer,microwave and fridge. Easy/ready/healthy/non healthy/chips/food from restaurants….you betcha. Sayin Yes to everything. Apples arent working…none of us are taking time to cut them up!(altho we like them..i know/sounds crazy)

    Ha. We all need our houses cleaned(sandy…prob not since her house is in Canada)

    Shift work at hospital? Stay in Chloes room while we get a break…sure but be prepared to have an ASSERTIVE side/watch/take notes and be silly friendly with chloe…allowing quiet when she needs a nap. We MAY call for help on this….probably need a list of those willing and ‘when’ you are available. Be super healthy to sign on for this.(smile)

    Post a comment…tell us your thots…suggestions….ooppsss gotta go..therapy time

  9. By Karen Preston on Jan 8, 2010

    Has anyone used CarePages? I just tried setting up something for Chloe, but I don’t see a way to easily allow others to sign up for bringing meals or other offers of help. Perhaps you know of a website that allows this. If so, I’d be glad to help.

    At this point, I’m planning to take meals over Wednesday evenings after work and Saturday around lunch. It would be great to coordinate this and I’m willing to work with anyone who’d like to volunteer, (if that’s okay with Dana, of course). I’m communicating with one other family friend on this.

    As soon as I get the ok from Dana I’ll post my contact info and if we can’t use a website, I’ll use an old fashioned calendar!

    Blessings to all you angels out there and in Chloe’s room… : )

    Karen Preston

  10. By Supermanj on Jan 8, 2010

    Kudos, for these great suggestions in helping out, I wish I was closer and could be of some help. What a wonderful circle of friends, and I think we can all agree that Dana has been a for runner in paying it forward.

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