Because We Love Her

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 18th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Here’s a lil’ blog for you tonight as Sunday is a slow day.

Overall it was a good day. There isn’t any activity on Sunday so it’s up to whomever is at the hospital to keep Chloe active. Sandy was the one for today so Chloe got a lot of her homework for school completed. We should just hire Sandy rather than go to the ½ hour stints at Emmanuel School.

When I got to the hospital today there was activity to get Chloe ready to sit in her wheelchair. So I said I’d do it for the nurse. Nurse Darlene had not been involved with getting Chloe up so she yielded to my offer. Of course Chloe would have rather just hung out in bed but that wasn’t going to happen, even though she wrapped her left leg around the handrail of the bed. Her playful nature was revving up. With the wheelchair in position I had Chloe sit up so we could stand and pivot into the chair.

As Darlene had not seen this before she kept asking Chloe if she was okay. Her stats were perfect and so was her color. She was nowhere near being in trouble but Chloe took over from there. Keeping in mind that it’s her right side that is weak and wonky and her left side is pretty much in control, she needs most of the support on her right side. Well, as she was sitting there she bobbled her head around and threw herself onto her left side and onto the pillow just to have fun seeing Darlene’s reaction. The panicked look sent Chloe into stitches.

After a long laugh by her she all but sat up by herself and let me do a stand and pivot into the chair. I used very little support to get her in the chair. She is full of pranks even at this state.

She sat in her chair and emailed and played computer games for about an hour and a half until Dana walked in. She was definitely happy to see Dana, and visa versa. After getting some more things from the car it was time for me to go teach a class.

Once back home I had an email telling of more RT troubles but that, happily, Vicky was the overnight nurse again. Dana must have had some rest because she didn’t hesitate to stand up for Chloe’s rights when the RT pulled attitude on her again. I’m not exactly sure what the problem is but there is more attitude flying around that place than needs to be, especially at these prices. Tuesday’s meeting will be interesting.

Be well,

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