Because We Love Her

Monday, Feb 1, 2010

February 1st, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

It’s now two months since Chloe’s last full day of complete health. She has cleared many obsticles in this amount of time. We look forward to the day I can report it’s been two months since Chloe had a challenge with anything.

Chloe, after a long eventful night of suctioning every half hour, had a good day. She enjoyed the fact that she could throw her leg braces from PICU away. She also had a lot of playtime today. Some of the therapy was done in the room. She was able to walk with her walker and Michelle almost all the way to the Starlite room. That’s a pretty good jaunt. I love it when she walks in the unit, as many of the nurses haven’t seen her walk.

With Dana asleep on her feet, Kati decided she would be fine with the suctioning during art. So they sent Dana to bed for a while. This afternoon and evening the secretions have been thicker. This tends to be the case and I’m not sure why other than she is active all day. Yet a couple days ago they were very clear and thin in the evening. Can’t put our finger on it.

No word from OHP yet today. We sure hope there aren’t any stumbling blocks in the way. This will make things so much easier to know there is insurance with absolutely no cap in place. We’ve been told Healthnet doesn’t have a cap, however, nobody at the hospital has heard of a no-cap insurance in years. OHP is the exception. We already know that Healthnet will only pay the past 30 days of rehab so to get further rehab paid for we do need OHP.

It looks like Chloe’s next surgery will be Friday. This will be to remove the nose tube and place a stomach tube in. Then in six weeks we will replace that with a stomach plug. Then it’s just up to Chloe to regain the use of her swallow so we can get rid of the plug as well. The procedure is supposed to be pretty cut and dried with a limited potential for problems. I’m believing No Problems. We have had enough for one lifetime.

We certainly appreciate Karen Preston’s efforts to get food to the hospital for whomever is there. It saves a lot of running to the restaurant to see what they might have that’s edible. It’s a small rotation of choices unfortunately. Even the biscuits and gravy aren’t tasting as good as they did the first few weeks and the eggs are to die for… literally… you may just die if you have to eat them.

We have our Tuesday meeting tomorrow so, hopefully, we will have some word from OHP or, at the very least, a definite game plan for the future of our stay. Even with the vent gone there is a ton of stuff that we just couldn’t handle if we were at home. Home care nursing is limited and having someone in the house is just one more stressor Dana doesn’t need.

Recently I’ve received many kind words and thanks for this Blog. It’s intention has been met if it means as much to you all as it does us. Without it we wouldn’t have reached 27 countries, had over 22,500 hits, and had Chloe’s Peace Sun Tee Shirts in four different countries so far. We have a worldwide Prayer Team following Chloe. Daily I receive prayers from literally all over the world. We are so grateful. It’s also the only writing I’m doing lately so I thank you for that as well. It has also helped the staff here know what we are living, hoping and grateful for… or not…


  1. 59 Responses to “Monday, Feb 1, 2010”

  2. By Rev. Barbara on Feb 2, 2010

    Ron, your blog has not only been a saving Grace for Chloe but for the many people who are thrilled to be in service by praying. It takes us all!!! Much love, Barb

  3. By Karen Preston on Feb 2, 2010

    Amen Barbara, well said!I am so thankful for the wonderful job you are doing of keeping us informed Ron. Much appreciation…

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