Because We Love Her

Tuesday, Feb 2nd, 2010… Two months into this adventure.

February 2nd, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Today was one of those days that we love to see come by. Although it started out with a tired Chloe it quickly progressed to a bunch of good news.

While sitting there waiting for the meeting to start my cell phone rang. It was the business office looking for Dana. OHP came through for us!!! That means we are approved to stay in rehab where Chloe will get the best care.

Then during the meeting Dana asked that they get us a Versicare bed. This is the bed that goes to a level that Chloe can actually put her feet on the floor while seated. It took a bit of suggesting but they agreed to ask. It’s one of those things… we haven’t ever had them before… I suggested they check with our hospital neighbor who just had his daughter discharged on Friday. He works for the company that delivers these beds to area hospitals. They decided to check their sources first. Whatever works. The same thing happened with the trachs we wanted, so who knows. We got them.

After the meeting Chloe went to PT/OT. Dave was able to take her before he went to work so Dana and I had an hour to ourselves… sorta. We spoke with our favorite housekeeping lady, Shirley, for some of that time. She is such a bright light.

Then it was time to go take over at OT and School. When we got to the gym there was a sign on the door that Chloe was at the atrium gift shop. PT/OT had her out on a field trip. Her job was to walk in the gift shop, find certain items, get the price, write it down and later she would work with those figures in math and writing. Everything went well until Dave backed up into a display of ceramic blue birds on a metal leaf sculpture. The little birds all dove into the birdbath below, de-tailing one of them. Chloe got a kick out of that for some reason or other. By the time we got back to the wheelchair Chloe had been on her feet over 15 minutes! That’s a personal best.

We went back to the gym to finish things up. This was the first time Dana got to see Chloe do the stairs in the gym. It’s really great to see her manage them although she scared herself at the top by turning a bit quick and having to be steadied by Michelle. She trusts us all … to a point.

We did all of her morning activities with just the “artificial nose” that fits on the trach, and minimal suctioning. This makes it so Chloe doesn’t need the oxygen and mist tube. It frees her up to do the work. She is also just being spot checked for her oxygen intake numbers. Everyone felt very comfortable with her going without that line attached to her finger. Even more freedom.

In Speech she was taste testing again… with Pop Rocks. She loved these. Jenny had a hard time getting her spoon back each time she placed a few Pop Rocks in the different areas of Chloe’s mouth. Chloe would close down and make sure she got them all. Of course, then she’d have to spit them out but it was a new sensation for her. I got to see just how much more movement there is in her tongue. Although the tip is still asleep she is able to move her tongue side to side a bit and a little bit further forward. It’s all great progress even though it seems like nothing to Chloe.

When we got back to the room her bed was gone! In a short time David, our former neighbor, delivered her new Versicare Bed. This thing is a Cadillac. I’m not sure how they had to get it but I don’t really care. It’s one of those things that fall into one of my favorite lines… “Don’t question my methods, just my results.” So we now have a new bed, a new insurance, a return to rehab and some new trachs that weren’t supposed to be available at this hospital. What walls?????

The afternoon events went off without a hitch as well. I cut up a grapefruit for Dana and Chloe thought she like a taste. You should have seen her face when Dana put a little juice in the front of her mouth. She couldn’t really tell what it was she sensed but it sure made her make a face and jump. Both are good signs.

I had to leave for lessons tonight but Dana took her walking in the unit later. She did very well but was glad to see the wheelchair at one point. We hope to get her more and more involved in the later day activities so she gets out of her room more. Tonight was movie night and she actually went to the theater for a minute. There were Red Vines there. Tomorrow will be another speech tasting so I’m sure she will try those again.

Now my wish is that Dana and Chloe will both sleep well tonight. It was a long productive day and it felt like a new beginning for us. We will probably be here many more weeks but at least we know now that we can be and will be covered.

Be well,

  1. 26 Responses to “Tuesday, Feb 2nd, 2010… Two months into this adventure.”

  2. By Lindley on Feb 2, 2010

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Rehab, personal bests, new bed. All is well. Answer to prayer. Chloe, you are a star!

  3. By Rev. Barbara on Feb 3, 2010

    It is quite amazing what happens when the “what” is presented and all let go to the “how”. Score a big one for you guys and all who continue to pray and hold Chloe in the highest light and vision! Yea TEAM CHLOE! I look forward to seeing the new bed! Much love and hugs, Barb

  4. By chester on Feb 3, 2010

    Hopefully there is room for me…i’m bringing you a cuddley new quilt some of my friends made for you…

    Chester!!! Whoof!

  5. By superman on Feb 3, 2010

    No walls just hurdles, what a great blog filled with great strides….insurance, rehab, bed, trachs, and a personal best for Chloe. Enjoy the momentum that is building. Keep up the hard work Chloe!

  6. By dana watts on Feb 3, 2010

    Chloes book if she chooses to write someday of this….you just gave her the title, perhaps.


    You shouda seen the look on the docs face today(GI doc for Fridays event) when I listed my specifications for surgery….he spoke to me about protocol. I spoke to him about protocol…..but with a twist. (No new IV line while chloe is awake…hello??? )

    His Answer: Remind me Friday….we’ll do it that way.

    Mama lion with little sleep still roaring

  7. By Sarah Koch on Feb 3, 2010

    This is as it should be: Good things happening to good people.

    Thanks for all this splendid news!

    Sarah Koch

  8. By Regina on Feb 3, 2010

    “What Walls???”

    Love it!

    Makes me think of the line in Beyonce’s Halo about “these walls Ive built-baby their crumbling down”

    Chloe I lOVE pop rocks! Can I have your bed when youre done with it? LMAO

  9. By Cherie on Feb 3, 2010

    Its all good. Your good is good for all of us, as we are uplifted with you to higher levels of all that is good. For those who have eyes to see “there are no walls”. Chloe you are one who has eyes to see and speak wisdom of sages. Miracles are every where to be found as your love grows and inspires everyone around you. “It is all good and the best is yet to come” The best comes to those like you and your family. We are all part of the Chloe team cheering with and for you as you show us your best.
    Keep it coming Lord………the best gets better. Always Love Cherie

  10. By Kat~ on Feb 3, 2010

    Aint God Grand ??? !!!

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