Because We Love Her

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 8th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Her favorite activity is still beach ball. She is getting quite good at hitting it with either hand and kicking it with the left really well and the right pretty well. Her name was the only one written on the ball so I added Mama. Then I added Ivey and Firebolt. Then she asked “Where’s Colin?” And she wanted me on the last slot but I figured I’d let Dana add that one.

Overnight was a success for her more than me. She slept through a lot of suctioning. It was clear but loud. Think of someone snoring. That’s what it sounds like when she gets flemy. It doesn’t take much to clear it but you still sleep with one eye and one ear open.

Today we did homework and entertained a few visitors. The nurses were really happy to see the frosted sugar cookies Patty W. brought in before the game. They were little footballs. I told Chloe that Mama would probably let her taste test the frosting. She can do that as long as she doesn’t swallow it.

I had to leave after the first quarter to go teach my class. Dana walked in just as I needed to leave. This is our life lately, but Chloe’s worth it. Unfortunately we are still fighting one battle at the hospital; the battle of the call button. Chloe rang at 6:43 tonight and there was no reply, just a “can we help you” and then they hung up. At 6:49 our nurse made in to the room. Now, fair be it all, she was probably with another patient, however, SOMEONE should have come to the room immediately and someone should have said they would be right in. I thought we had this problem fixed but it’s obvious we don’t. So it looks like we’ll have another talk with everyone.

Colin has auditioned for a singing solo for state this year. I think it’s down in Eugene. Good for him! He also bought himself a football… and one of his friends kicked it on the roof of the high school. I guess the janitor will have to make a trip topside to get it for him. Just having him buy a football floored me. He hasn’t shown interest before. Change is the only thing that is constant they say.

Let’s hope Dana and Chloe have a good night tonight. They sure did two nights ago.

Be well,

  1. 24 Responses to “Sunday, February 7, 2010”

  2. By dana watts on Feb 8, 2010

    …so out of the blue tonight…I asked the staff if we could leave the floor, go to the family room for my nightly run at icewater. I must have let go of the wheelchair for water when it began moving…..and moving…and then I noticed Chloe was driving it. Woo hoo. More strength happening in both arms/hands in order for her to experiment , be successful with this.

    go go go go go girl! so we showed off back on the boulevard for the nurse’s. I think it went into the notes for tomorrows rehab time with Occupational therapy.

    I’ll be in the doghouse for THAT(from chloe) …but yippee anyway. gotta be a rebel to live in the hospital.

  3. By Rev. Barbara on Feb 8, 2010

    You be a rebel! I’ll join you if you need a co-rebel! Love you, Barb

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