Because We Love Her

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 9th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

A huge factor in Chloe’s progress has to be her PT therapist, Michelle. On Saturday Michelle gave birth to her baby boy, very premature. We were very upset to hear this and we are asking for our great prayer team to add Michelle and baby Thaddeus. His lungs need to grow as he is having some very big respiratory problems. Join us in prayer for Michelle and Thaddeus that all turns out perfect for them.

Other than hearing that news we have a great day to report. Dana heave-hoed the RT department by sending the last RT machine packing today. As I’ve said many times before, the respiratory therapy team is broken. It’s broken from the top down and needs a complete overhaul. Not needing them anymore is a blessing.

Chloe took her longest walk to date and she spent 3 hours away from oxygen. She needs less and less to keep her numbers up where they should be. Jewel did the walk assist with Chloe. She does a fine job with our girl and will fill the gap left by Michelle being away.

Dr. Steve is really active. Whenever there is a good suggestion he’s on it right away. He even ordered a 3 AM suction and tube drain so that sleep wouldn’t be as broken for the overnighters. He is also the reason Dana and Chloe were able to salute as the cough assist machine was wheeled out of the room.

Dana warned me that the entire weeks menu at the large café is terrible. So if you feel like jumping on the Helping Hands website and signing up for a meal delivery, this would be a great week. It’s kind of amazing that a hospital has to cut food quality and times in order to make a profit. My belief is that it should just break even and be kept as a service to the staff, patients and families. Make the money on the medical and break even on the services.

Dana and OHP had a meeting today and Chloe is considered a “fragile child.” This means there will be nurse support at both school and home when we get to bring her back to the house. This is a huge relief. With the amount of assistance we provide for her with staff on hand, it would be impossible alone. Nobody would ever work or sleep.

And the final word of the day, Chloe wheeled herself in her wheelchair for the first time. It wasn’t too far and it was still a bit of a challenge but she did it. The right hand received some assistance with a new peg added to the rail. That makes it a bit easier for her to control. She so wants to be independent. This is a step in the right direction.

Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It certainly helps.

Be well,

  1. 55 Responses to “Monday, February 8, 2010”

  2. By Karen Preston on Feb 9, 2010

    Dana, I’m sorry to hear the hospital food is so bad this week. If anyone wants to help out, I’m coordinating a website to take food to family staying with Chloe at the hospital. Food doesn’t have to be homemade, I’m hardly ever home long enough to cook so I’ve taken many a fast food, Whole Foods or restaurant meal to Dana.

    So far we have one signup for this week on Thursday. (Thanks in advance Kathleen!)

    I can take Wednesday evening if no one else is available, but am busy the other nights. Please email me if you’d like to help or need suggestions. Thanks a million!


  3. By dana watts on Feb 9, 2010

    ps….I need homework from school….for chloe…


    I think its in M’s trunk(we so appreciate you taking the time to gather it..we are ready for it and more..thanks!)

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