Because We Love Her

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 15th, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

A pretty up day overall after a pretty good night as well. Lots of visitors during the middle of the day and Dana was supplied with a few choices of food. Mitchi brought a huge heart signed by all the Girl Scouts as a Valentine’s gift for Chloe. It must be impressive as it’s covering the MJ poster.

There aren’t any activities scheduled for Sundays so Dana and Chloe get to make it up as they go. One thing Dana and Chloe did today was to go downstairs exploring. They went to the heartbeat café and found samples of bread pudding and whipped cream. Some of this will be saved for taste testing during speech on Monday. Whipped cream is probably one of Chloe’s favorite staples and she’s considering the bread pudding as the first food she will be allowed to eat after her swallow comes back.

After the heartbeat they decided to go to the children’s garden. They made it outside just minutes before the rain started. They stayed and had a blast. The first time I ever met Chloe was in a downpour at the church picnic. She just stood under a high down spout and got soaked. So I know she likes the rain.

They went back to the starlite room and watched a Disney movie before going back to the room. Chloe had asked me to check “The Wizard Of Oz” out for her this weekend. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a theme for them. The funny part of this is that Dana had brought some ruby slippers from home, to remind Chloe that she has the power all along and there’s no place like home.

Dana also brought her a couple pictures from home. One was of her learning how to walk, all the while screaming her lungs out. Dana titled that one “My Life Sucks Right Now.” Chloe loved that. She also brought one of a 2 year old Chloe sticking her tongue out. This is up on the wall for inspiration. We need the tongue to work like that again.

Later in the day Chloe took a walk from the room to the starlite room and back again with the walker when her dad came to visit. She was actually up with just the artificial nose on her trach and no extra oxygen or mist. That’s pretty good.

Dana was able to witness what I liked about the RT Jessica today. Although Chloe opted out of a cough assist, Jessica did do suctioning on her and was able to clear some very thick secretions.

Chloe has been sassy and feisty the last couple days. I’m her favorite punching bag and I love it. If I can be part of her PT/OT, all the better. Dana got her today by teasing her that she needs to stand more upright so she doesn’t look like a little old lady with her walker. I’m sure she got the “face” for that comment.

During later on Chloe had one of her Blue Times. We’ve spoken with her about these to assure her it’s quite okay and normal to feel down and disappointed. I can’t even imagine what I’d be feeling like in her shoes. Luckily she does come out of these pits and gets back into her lively ways.

Here’s part of the days’ outing that was fun to keep for last. Dana wheeled Chloe into the “creepy chapel” on the first floor. There is a piano in there so it drew them in. At first Chloe was timid, but in a short while, she sat and used both hands on the keys, finding out what she really CAN do. Dana says it was a “cool moment.” I wish I had been there.

They went to sleep watching skating on the TV. It’s great to have these good days in our adventure. Let’s see more and more of these.

Be well,

PS. I didn’t even get to see my Valentine today but we did talk on the phone.

  1. 28 Responses to “Sunday, February 14, 2010”

  2. By David on Feb 15, 2010

    I got to spend some time with my Valentine Bug today…it was great seeing that devilish little smile and the sparkle in her eyes – that’s my little bug. She did a great job using the walker to get to the starlight lounge and most of the way back. I got her in bed and had to do some major suctioning…it was pretty thick stuff, but once we got the BIG bugger out, the rest was looser – those walks do a good job of bringing up the secretions. Then, we got to dive into Eclipse…we’re on Chapter 9 now – she got me hooked, but I only read it when I’m with her. Looking forward to reading the fourth one when she gets home in March (fingers crossed). Thanks again to everyone for your support – she continues to make progress every day; even the smallest improvement is a step in the right direction.

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