Because We Love Her

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23rd, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Sorry I dropped a day of the blog. I guess I was just fried. It was a good day for Chloe and my schedule was full. Also, Chloe seems to be getting happier and I seem to be getting grumpier, as it’s been pointed out to me… and I realize. So a night off isn’t a bad thing. Therefore, if I’ve jumped down your throat lately please accept my apology… if you know it wasn’t warranted.

Chloe has made an emotional turnaround from what I’ve noticed. Probably one of the biggest reasons is the introduction of the bathtub back into her life. She loves her baths and now can actually take are real one. She spent quite a bit of time in the recliner instead of her bed. This in itself is a huge step forward. When she tries new things, PT wise, she puts extra effort into it. She is so determined to leave this place… whole and complete.

Jenny reports that the tongue tip is starting to move a little bit. Side motion is mostly to the right but there is movement. We know there is a long way to go but we are seeing movement in the right direction.

When she needed to get from her wheelchair to the bench today she jumped up and did the maneuver without help and before anyone could help her. You go girl. We’ll watch as you blow us out of the water.

Tonight is movie night, but, I’m not so sure Dana and Chloe will be watching this one. It is the last movie they went to, the night before checking in on December 2nd. The memories may be just a bit more than they want to relive. “Imagine That” is the movie and “All You Need Is Love” became the song they live with often.

We had the weekly meeting today. It went well and there were many good thoughts and reports that came out. Dana’s pass was recognized. Next, the rest of us that will be taking care of Chloe at home will have to have our Pass Days recorded. Dana has even spoken with Colin about becoming suction trained. When Chloe is home Dana won’t be able to take a shower without having someone there to make sure Chloe doesn’t get in trouble. We just heard today that the “at home” nurse isn’t a sure thing. Hopefully we will receive good news about that very soon.

We were asked, once again, about the evaluation sheet they need for their paperwork. It was due when there was a paper discharge and readmit. They want us to say how happy we were with them at that point. Personally I think this is bogus to ask at this point and the paper is written very poorly. Dana and I have looked at it and set it aside time and again. So the one who wants it said she’d give it to Dave to fill out. Whatever. We have been upfront with our likes and concerns. A piece of paper will not change that. I’m sure it will make no difference in the care that Chloe gets or the progress she makes.

From what I’ve learned, the meeting at the school went well and many questions were answered. I’m invited to future meetings. Dana is drained from all the meetings. Between the principles’ office, the weekly meetings, RT meetings, the special meetings with home care nursing, to all the mini meetings, enough is becoming enough. Top that with another night without sleep and she’s done for today. What happened to the day when it was the boss who called the meetings, not the employees?

The day in the life of Chloe and the caregivers is what this blog is all about. Sometimes it can be written just with medical in mind. Other times it needs to include feelings, perceptions, evaluations, emotions, kudos, condemnations, elations and a host of other topics. Some people have asked me to tone it down, some have looked in hopeful anticipation of being written about, others have asked to not be included in it, and others yet are afraid they will be named on a page. Keep reading. I hope your wishes are filled.

Be well,

  1. 53 Responses to “Tuesday, February 23, 2010”

  2. By chester on Feb 23, 2010

    What an amazing last paragraph, Ron!

  3. By ronhorton on Feb 24, 2010

    Yup, Splish Splash. Later, Helen Reddy and Barbara Stristand both did versions of it.

  4. By Sarah Koch on Feb 24, 2010

    I may be repeating myself but, Ron, report when you want or need to; we’ll keep checking in, no matter what.

    Sarah K.

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