Because We Love Her

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1st, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

Trying to figure out why we had a night free of suctioning, nine hours or so, and then had a day like today, is baffling to say the least.

Dana left the hospital at 10:30 am so Dave could get 4 hours of hands on experience as if they were not in the hospital. Chloe woke up puny and she has been getting jaw pain on and off for a few days now. We think it is nerve regeneration, which is a good/bad thing. The regeneration will be great but the pain is… well… PAIN.

She hasn’t been this sick in quite some time. Diarrhea has been so bad that she’s dehydrated. Dana got back by 2:30 pm to find Chloe just wanting to cling. Chloe was very warm so she asked for a fan. The hospital didn’t have one available so Dana called me to get one. However, by the time I got mine from the attic and washed it, the hospital came up with one.

When I got to the hospital about 3 pm, Chloe had Clair visiting her. Clair is a classmate and good friend. They were visiting but the first thing Chloe asked of me was for a new ice pack. She looked like crap to put it mildly. She didn’t have any spark. She was sweating. She had obvious pain. And try as she might, she wasn’t too sociable.

Dana and Larry came back in the room after having a conversation over coffee. Larry is our Brain Guy so talking with him is very helpful. He shared a very good story with Chloe that made her sit up and listen. It was one of those good recovery stories.

In a little while Jake and Patty showed up. We got Chloe all ready, as she wanted Jake on the bed with her. It was a meeting that so reminded me of the first time they met. She was weak and sparkless but she wanted to pet him and get some healing doggie kisses. They had a nice visit. I had to leave to teach my Sunday night class and they were about to wrap up the visit. Chloe was exhausted.

I called Dana right out of class to see what was happening. Chloe was weaker and more dehydrated and clingy. There was an order in for more fluids. Her cheeks were puffy when I arrived earlier and they hadn’t changed any since I was gone. Dana seems to think she may have a virus of some kind. Possible, but I sure don’t like guessing with her. Hopefully the doctors will come up with something overnight.

In the mean time we are asking those who pray to do so for her and for those who hold good thoughts to do so, or whatever you do to help things heal, we ask for that from you. This Team Chloe is huge so let’s win one for the team.

Be well,

  1. 163 Responses to “Sunday, February 28, 2010”

  2. By Wendy Isaac on Mar 1, 2010

    Chloe, God is continually wrapping his beautiful Light and Love around you…. holding you so very close to Him and loving you so dearly. Your whole room is filled with His Love. My prayer is: Dear God please continue to bring perfect health to Chloe, bathe her with your immense healing ways, and I know that she is cradled and held in your healing hands today and forever.

    Melissa, in spirit, will be snuggled in your lap to bring you love and sweet dreams.

  3. By Jackie on Mar 2, 2010

    Ron, your last paragraph made me cry. I love that so many people’s lights, from all around the world, are concentrating on Chloe. As I keep telling my baby George: We’re gonna win this one.

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