Because We Love Her

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 – 3 months post surgery

March 3rd, 2010 Posted in Daily News Post

The whole ward has the creeping crud and Chloe and Dana aren’t immune. Although Chloe is coming out of it, Dana is going into it full bore. Not fun. And each other is worried about the other.

Sandy was with Chloe all day today and a long day it became. Feeling puny was bad enough. Then she was faced with the end of the morning and a electrifying test in speech. Jenny tried a test on her to stimulate a swallow. Well, it didn’t go well. The intent was good but the results were very rough on Chloe. She felt a very hot burning sensation under her chin and on her neck. They stopped the test when it was obvious it wasn’t going where it should have. She should have felt a little tingling and then some burning, followed by a grabbing sensation that would have triggered a swallow. She only got the burning sensation and it was intense for her. It may be tried in the future but I think we will have to see more tongue movement first.

When I got there at 4:30 or so, Chloe was deeply involved in her computer games. Sandy was on her computer. There was an oxygen line stretched across the bed. And the atmosphere was about as serious as it could get. I almost laughed. It was a site for sure.

Chloe has her spark back so I think tomorrow will be a much better therapy day. Sandy manned today’s meeting for Dana and Me. Dave was also there. Dana was sick and I was at the VA hospital for my own appointment. I decided to get the H1N1 and seasonal flue shots while I was there. So I came back and showed Chloe my three needle pokes. Her reaction was precious.

Just as I was about to leave for the evening we received a very sad phone call from one of our dear friends and huge supporter, James. His mom has been in hospice for a while now. She moved up this evening and our hearts and prayers are with James during his grieving time. You may remember James is the one who brought Chloe’s Peace Sun to life.

Be well everyone.

  1. 49 Responses to “Tuesday, March 2, 2010 – 3 months post surgery”

  2. By Sarah Koch on Mar 3, 2010

    James, I know we’ve never met, but I’ve heard so much about you. Please know you have my deepest sympathies.

    Chloe, glad to know you’re on the mend from this virus.

    Colin, hope you don’t get it!

    Sandy and Ron, you two take care, too.

    Dana — wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Sarah K.

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