Because We Love Her

February 20, 2011

February 20th, 2011 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe’s appointment was pushed back until March 7th. This is just for the consult, then the procedure will be sometime in the future. My belief is that it was pushed because Chloe is supposed to get her swallow back all by herself. You should have seen how close she was the other night when I told her to just go ahead and swallow a fruit smoothie Colin made. She tried like a mountain climber going that last 10 feet to the summit. She was oh so close.

We have some big guns rooting for her. The Dave Ramsey team keeps her in their meetings and, of course, their prayers. Then there is a former classmate who flies the Popes’ cargo jets. He meets with the Pope regularly and is always asked for an update on Chloe. This happened again last night. And, then there are all of you. What a team! That’s all I can say. Without you this could have been an entirely different story.

We have modified Chloe’s school schedule as she still doesn’t get quality sleep. By the end of the week she was so tired that she was getting sick and having to come home early. So Dana figured out that Wednesday should be deleted to help her recuperate. Of course it didn’t work well the last week since she was already sick. Even with all the days she has missed she’s still a 3.6 student!

Projects tend to wear her down. Last week she was to build the Eiffel Tower. After not knowing how she was going to be able to do it, I got her a kit and she and her dad put it together, painted it and made a base. It was the hit of the class. And then….. she found out she was only required to do a written report about it. HA… Well, she’s getting extra credit at least. We’re going to try and talk the teacher into accepting it in place of the King Tut exhibit she is supposed to “make.”

Dana and I finally get to “go out” today. Well, it’s to a gig I’m playing but it’s something. We’ll go for the two hour dance and then I’ll make her dinner later. Stuffed peppers are always a hit. Lately we have both been seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and are trying to live each day with that in mind. It’s pretty bright. More on that later.

Colin is really getting lessons on opening up. He has made some great strides in that area and things are starting to show. His dad has been taking the role of student/teacher advocate. Colin’s grades have been teenager grades, all over the map. We are all just trying to level them out so he’ll decide college is a better route than the military. We know it will be his decision, but we want to make sure there are no regrets. All he needs to improve is his self worth. He has the brains for college and shouldn’t feel he has to settle for the Marines or something like that.

Time to get this day started. Be well and have a great spring!


  1. 7 Responses to “February 20, 2011”

  2. By Jackie on Feb 20, 2011

    “Settle” for the Marines??? Heresy! My brother is a Lt. Col. in the Marines and it has been a great career for him (he’s been in for 20 years). He makes about 3x what i do (and i’m the one with the law degree!). 🙂

  3. By Karen on Feb 20, 2011

    Lots of good news, thanks Ron. So happy to hear that Chloe is so close to swallowing.Go Chloe, go!

    Hope that you and Dana have a wonderful evening.


  4. By Ramona Watts on Feb 20, 2011

    That was quite the blow… son is graduating college this summer, has enlisted in the Marines and leaves in June. He is NOT “settling” but has made a CAREER choice and will come out of basic training as an E3 and continue in the direction he has chosen in Criminal Justice. I honor all those men and women who have chosen to put their lives on the line for our country!!! I would respect Colin’s choice to do either Military or College or both.

  5. By grandma on Feb 21, 2011

    “Settle” for the military???? In Our family most of the men have been in the military. They trace back to the Revolutionary War under the command of George Washington. It is NOT something they “Settled” for. It is a career they chose with honor. Colin is a very smart young man, and there is no reason for him to settle for anything. If he chooses a career in the military we will be proud of him, and if he chooses to go to college we will be just as proud. Not only that but enlistment in the military will get him the funds for his college education.

    Keep on keeping on Chloe my love. I will be there in June and then Mom can have a real break and you and Colin can hang out with Grandpa, Star and me. Love ya Girl.

  6. By Kat on Feb 21, 2011

    Keep on truckin’ on that swallowing practice Chloe, sure sounds like your brain {thinking} is so close !!! You’ve gained so much in a year and to you it might seem slow but slow or fast, either way getting it done is the goal. Keep working hard, i know you want it to happen more than anyone else does. You DO have an awesome and amazing prayer support group going…..for you and your family. And keep giving that beautiful smile you have, i love it !! Love you all

  7. By dana on Feb 27, 2011

    I see one word, SETTLE sure set off alot of people.

    Wish the word Love would do the same, only in reverse.

    But no, we jump into negative, rather than to thank the writer for just doin his writing. Has anyone seen the other Chloewatts website? THATS COMPLETE IDIOCY…but this is a free speech Country. So thats my perspective.

    Freedom always above opinion. That said, I am glad you all wrote in. You’re perspectives are appreciated.

    I’m not against the military, it was good to /for me personally and the writer of the blog did his time as well.

    Today, its very real ….very much WAR time. This is a concern. Still I applaud all of those who chooose to serve and do so.

    Colin/Chloe do seem to have to fend off the spears between the adults still. My goodness, will we never grow up and just realize we have different perspectives and a writer writes from his truth, not others opinions or that would be another script.

    It’s been a tough month…..lets keep the kids free of xtra adult opnion stress, shall we? Shall we rise above ourselves to do this for the kids? I’m in!

  8. By ronhorton on Feb 27, 2011

    It’s quite understandable that “settle” sparked controversy. It’s okay. However, the Colin I know doesn’t have to settle for the military, or for working in any field that is less than his capabilities. If he wants to go in, and does his homework about going in, and goes to college first so he can go in as an officer, I’m much more in favor of that choice. If, however, he feels he is not smart enough to go to college, or that college is a waste of time, then I say it’s our JOB as the adults in his life to help guide him to a decision that will not only keep him safe and/or alive, but completely comfortable with the choice he makes.

    I’m not against anyone going into the military. My brothers and I all served during the Vietnam area, my Uncle carried a fellow Navy man up the beach at Okinawa, my dad had to settle for volunteer work during WWII as he was too old to go in.

    I appreciate your thoughts and comments. Especially the ones about “Go Chloe Go!” I add to that, “Go Colin Go!” to the life that will benefit you the most, without any negative thoughts about yourself or worry about dissapointing anyone else. You have talent and brains. I know you won’t waste either.

    Be well everyone.

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