Because We Love Her

February 28, 2011

February 28th, 2011 Posted in Daily News Post

So… Thursday night was pretty restful for Chloe. Her stats were all well within the norm and “E,” her night nurse, was having an easy night. In the morning Dana went up to relieve E and they went in to take a look at Chloe. She was awake as is often the case, but just barely. Almost immediately everyone noticed that the trac had popped out. It had done that a couple times before. It’s very small and not easily noticed in the dark room with blankets up around her neck.

Being Dana was now on duty, she asked E if she’d like to see an emergency trac change. It was about due anyway, another week at the most. Everything was prepared, except the stoma, the hole in Chloe’s throat. It seems it wasn’t ready to have a new trac introduced. In fact it said, absolutely not! Devine intervention? We think so. It’s believed the trac had been out since about 2 am when Chloe was doing her normal thrashing about in bed during dreams.

Long story short, CHLOE IS TRACLESS! Dana just put a bandaid over the hole and called the doctors. They agreed to just see how it goes. It’s now Monday and all is pretty good. The stoma just seals itself without stitches. Although she still can’t swallow, YET, she is rid of a very frustrating piece of intrusion in her life. We are all ecstatic about the “it just happened” event, that we are feeling just what Chloe expressed, “I’m so happy!”

The good news keeps rolling right in for this family. Everyone is very relieved and excited about Regina and Rob’s new addition, Declan. The pictures are all over their’s and Sandy’s facebook pages and he is one really cute baby. (We guys don’t really believe all babies are cute… but this one is!) One Huge Congratulations is being sent north to Regina, Rob, Sandy, Declan and everyone else that deserves one. You know who you are. Poor Dexter is in for some very confusing days ahead.

Let the Good News Continue! More happiness, less bitterness, what more can anyone ask? Here’s my toast to more mending, happy times, new life, growth and civility in all of our lives.

So… One more huge hurdle passed for our girl. She never takes any of the credit. Who really cares whose credit it is? It’s the destination that’s important in this journey.

Be well,

PS. When I end these messages with “Be Well”, there are absolutely no restrictions to that wish.

  1. 5 Responses to “February 28, 2011”

  2. By Jackie on Feb 28, 2011

    wow, Ron – you just totally made my day!! what happy news. boy are you guys all overdue for happy news!! yea yea yea!

  3. By Judi on Feb 28, 2011

    Oh WOW!!! I have chills all over!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy for all of you, esp. Chloe!!! Something just now nudged me to take a look at her blog site. Thanx so much for the update Ron!

    We’re STILL on baby watch! Sara was due 2/24 & has been @ 2cm since 2/16. She will be induced this Fri. a.m. if he doesn’t decide to come before.

    Love to all, Judi

  4. By Karen on Mar 1, 2011

    Well, this news certainly makes my day if not my week! Congratulations Chloe 🙂

  5. By Chester on Mar 3, 2011


    What amazing things occuring! We are both so happy for you and see this as such a positive step! Chester is sending big whoofs…you go girl!


  6. By Sarah Koch on Mar 8, 2011

    Congratulations, Chloe!! Yet *another* step forward — and you’ve taken so many already. You are getting closer, every day, to where you want to be.

    Looking forward to the next posting, when the time is right,

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