Because We Love Her

Fri/Sat, July 25/26:

July 26th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

Chloe has gone mad. Well, not stark raving mad, but she’s back to her old self with her great anger. Yesterday she got mad at Colin, Mama and Me at different times. Her anger is so much fun though because it’s immediate and goes away just about as quick. She sure doesn’t hold on to a beef. There is something to be said for venting.

The two days she was back with Dana were wonderful. She really is doing so much better. To see the quality of life she now has vs. the life she was living a couple weeks ago is so heartwarming.

The doctors have agreed that she can be off the feeds for eight hours every day. The “by mouth” food intake has been unbelievable. I asked her if she could describe to me what was different pre-surgery to now. Food just didn’t appeal to her back then. It was just a chore to eat. Now things taste great and she has desire. Her little body is getting some shape back. Dana told me “she looks like she’s having our baby.” Well…. I wouldn’t go that far but she is hiding her ribs now and there is form back in her arms and legs. Her face is just as it should be.

Last night Chloe sent the signal to Dana that she needed something. A book thrown on the floor is the signal as we are downstairs from her room. Dana was in a deep sleep and dreamed the book noise so she didn’t get up for about three minutes. When she did realize what was going on she went up. Chloe was a little miffed but no real big deal. The next morning Dana’s explanation to Chloe was just perfect. “For the first time I wasn’t scared.” She is doing so well that we are treating her more and more as though she is back to normal.

On that point I will say that we are close. We are all focused on Chloe’s wellness. We refuse to give any energy to the FORMER tumor. It has no power. We will just do our follow-ups and know that all will be good.

We were out for just over an hour today at a couple estate sales. At the last one she started getting a little weak so we went straight home to get some food and fluids into her. It was a quick bounce back. Before we left the house she had turned off the feeds to start her eight hours of freedom. I believe the body was just a little in shock, thinking we were going to starve it. After all, it’s used to being fed continuously. We now know to keep plenty of snacks and liquid with us while we are out.

Tonight we went to Schlotsky’s for dinner. It was a huge hit even though Chloe’s friend wasn’t working tonight. We left word for her that we were there. After a full meal by all of us we came back to the house to wait for Dave and Ramona. The kids will spend the week with them and the other set of grandparents. One good thing about separated families, you never run out of grandparents.

Chloe was concerned about being away from Dana for another week but we assured her she makes the call. If she needs to be home we will make that happen. One exciting thing is that she will have time with her best friend Molly. She has not even spoken with her since the night before the surgery. She is very excited.

It’s wonderful to see her so happy and so determined to gain strength and get her life back. We should all be that strong!



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