Because We Love Her

Wednesday, July 30th: Kelly’s Birthday (Ron’s Oldest)

July 30th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

I’d like to be able to say I’m once again clear on the dates, but I’m not.  Still checking the calendar or others for confirmation on this.   

During my lunch hour, I dropped by to ‘visit’ my kids.  Somehow this doesn’t sound right but this is how we live.  Colin and Chloe were at Annette’s today for Chloe’s ‘first’ PLAYDATE with a friend in a long time.  Colin was with his best friend, Spencer also!  Yippee!   They’ve been at Dad and Ramona’s house having a great time all week.  I’m looking forward to them being here for the weekend.  Ivey, our dog would like someone other than the cat across the fence to ‘arf’ at. 

I found Chloe and Molly swinging from a homemade swing in the open-air garage.  Was good to witness the smiles from two friends who knew before we did, they were destined for this day. Chloe, as per the other blog was twirling the NG tube like a baton over her head and around her.  Later this old saying hit me, one we all know.  When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.   Oh my goodness, rather than hunching over having a pity party this child is twirling her tube like a toy.  If we could all make friends with our nemesis like this, Peace would be our reality rather than a hope for change.  Imagine! 

In speaking to Chloe I am still more than concerned about what she tells me about her tummy.  It’s kinda like nausea, kinda like pain…it goes away but lasts a long time.  Okay, call me over protective but I’m thinking this is still not ok. I have asked Chloe to pay attention to perhaps what makes her tummy feel better and for that matter, what makes it feel worse.  She did say she is slowing down on eating (by mouth). I have a feeling if I am able to contact the dietician before the weekend, she may suggest something before our appointment next week, which may give Chloe some kind of relief.   

These are good days, yes.  And yet, I want the moon.  I want no nausea, no pain, nothing short of ‘feeling groovy” for this child of ours.  Why stop now?   I want Colin’s 13th birthday back too.  So okay, we don’t always get what we want, but until we ask…..or ‘re-create’ what was lost, then there’s no room for complaining.   There’s simply, no time for complaining either.  

On that note, I think I found the new family theme song tonight (we only have about 10 of them…) I first heard it while Chloe was in the hospital ‘cause I tried sneaking this young guitar player into the PICU (pediatric intensive care) so he could sing it for Chloe.  That didn’t work.  It was a ‘drat’ moment and yet, this song inspired me that day…. Today, on Kink radio, they not only played it but also announced the name of it.  I’m Yours by Jason Moran (sp?)  I was in the hospital calling it the ‘Love’ song.  Chloe will love it.  Stay tuned, she’s a showstopper.  As if you didn’t already know. 

Love and all that, 


  1. 169 Responses to “Wednesday, July 30th: Kelly’s Birthday (Ron’s Oldest)”

  2. By mama on Jul 31, 2008

    Yippee Jeremy!! Thanks a ton. Zats the song. I wasnt even close on his last name. ha. Thanks for the lyrics.

    auntie loon(dana)

  3. By Sarah Koch on Jul 31, 2008

    Hsppy birthday, Kelly! Even if it is a day late.

    And good for you, Dana: you’re certainly not being “over-protective”; you’re just paying attention to Chloe, and not taking anything for granted. Smart woman, great mother!

    I was also glad (though not surprised) to read you got such a warm welcome-back reception at work. They must be THRILLED to have you back.


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