Because We Love Her

Thursday June 12th, 2008 (A Bad Day)

June 12th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

The MRI went well, although the anesthesia really hurt Chloe through the IV in her arm. She was in to the MRI about 11 A.M. At 2:25 P.M. a team of nurses, counselors and doctors showed up in her room to consult with us about the MRI. We knew it was bad. Luckily the conference phone to the head doctor would not work in the room. We were herded down to a conference room. Again the speakerphone would not work and Dana just grabbed the phone or she was going to jump out of her skin.

What she heard made her fall apart. The doctor told her that Chloe had a marble sized tumor on her brain stem. This conversation went on for a couple minutes and then the room doctors took over. The tumor was attached to the brain stem and was said to be inoperable.

The neurosurgeon, Dr. Dorsen, and head oncologist, Dr. Norwood, conferred and the decision was that it needed a biopsy with the hopes of getting as much of the tumor as safely possible. “If we can get enough of it we have a chance of curing her.” This was the best sentence of the entire day!

At about 5 P.M. we got the word that Dr. Dorsen had the operating room set up for 7 A.M. the next morning. A decision had to be made with no time remaining.

Dr. Norwood wanted an immediate MRI to make sure no other tumors were down her spine. That was set up and done at 9 P.M.

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