Because We Love Her

Tuesday, August 19 From Dana

August 19th, 2008 Posted in Daily News Post

Watching a child you think you’ve known for nine years evolve a new persona has been a beautiful thing.  Have you ever wondered about the magical journey a butterfly takes? In my third grade , it was our class project.  There was no movement for awhile as we watched the cocoon darken and appear nonliving.  Imagine the delight to see the metamorphis occur. The absolute dedication to life the butterfly shows.  And then, the colors appear. The best of all is witnessing the freedom flight upward. Up, Up and away……

Thats Chloe.  If you never knew a butterfly, we’re watching one now.

On Saturday a work party of family and friends came together to help ‘Clean house” and weed the otherwise overgrown thicket of blackberries and ivy.  The outpouring of giving turned into a festive event.  Can anyone say ‘working in over 100 degree heat is fun?” I think not and yet, the proof is in the pudding.  Chloes job was to keep our dog Ivey in her room.  She also had 2 friends over to play with.  Yipee!! I hadnt realized how run down this house and grounds were. Denial works for me some level

Colin and Chloe have bounced back into their relationship of “she bugs me/he bugs me” then I find them together quietly getting along.  I’ve really paid attention to Colin’s side of this summer, even though I’ve left it unmentioned quite a bit.  He morphed too and became his own butterfly warrior. 

Yesterday was Chloes pediatrician appointment .  The room was full as the doctor came in.  Daddy, Aunt Sandy, Colin and Mama were there. The amazing news is her weight is up 4lbs and she is off Periactin, the appetite stimulant. Also, she is within 2 lbs of her goal weight set by the dietician. Are you clapping and singing here?????? Chloe has a new found passion for ‘drug-free’.  She wants nothing to do with medication of any kind.  She is adamant regarding this subject.  We are awaiting phone consults between her dietician and her pediatrician as to the next step towards reducing the overnight nutrition as well as removing the nose tube.  More later on this.

We’re in the midst of also arranging a ‘home’ visit with Chloes beloved “Chester”, the golden retriever who dedicated time to her in the hospital.(His real name is Jake but Chloe always thought he was a Chester, so ok…) this week as well as a Coast trip and State Fair later this week.  We’re trying to pack summer into a tight package this week. 

I guess what still surprises me are the little things.  Yesterday we went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and Chloe acutally finished a cone, whereas before she would only take a bite or two but still profess to love it and want it. 

We also enjoyed seeing her chase down a teacher yesterday at Fred Meyers to say hello.  Her self esteem is winning.  Her self confidence is rising in spite of being stared at by others with the nose tube in place.  Yes, she notices that too, dont think she doesnt.  Being different wont get in her way, I beleive.  In fact, I’m wondering at this point, what WILL?

May you see the miracles in your own life and if not, you’ve got at least one tucked away in knowing they do exist.

Much love,





  1. 170 Responses to “Tuesday, August 19 From Dana”

  2. By Supermanj on Aug 20, 2008

    It has been a long 10 days without hearing, but I am deligted that things are going well. That is up to 56 pounds now… go girl! Enjoy your coast trip and the state fair.

  3. By Lyne (Montreal, Canada) on Aug 20, 2008

    Yes miracles do exist…
    In the dictionnary next to the words… “Miracle” “Courage” “Will Power” “Strenght” “Determination” and many more…too many for me to site…
    Is “Batgil Chloe’s” pic !!!
    I am in awe of you !!!
    Keep doing what you are doing cuz it sure is giving super results !!!
    Also Keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours…it’s brighter then sunshine !!!
    Lyne xoxoxo

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